Questions You Must Ask Before Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training Course

Individuals, irrespective of demographics, gender, ethnicity, or nationality, are steadily realizing the multiple benefits that yoga offers. In such a scenario, choosing yoga as a career can prove to be a winning move. Since not all yoga teacher programs are created equal, zeroing in on an appropriate one becomes crucial. Hence, it will be in your best interest to seek answers to few relevant questions prior to enrolling in 200 hr hatha yoga TTC.


Is the program comprehensive enough?

Having in-depth knowledge – both theoretical and practical – is essential for a yoga teacher. You should be well versed in asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, mudras and bandhas, kriyas, yogic philosophy, anatomy, and Ayurveda. This goes a long way in keeping you confident, competitive, and poised for the longer haul. Apparently, enquire about the contents of the yoga teaching program before making the move. Usually, 200 hours hatha yoga teacher training program offered by venerated institute can serve your interests well.

Is the program certified?

It always pays to enroll in a 200 hours hatha yoga teacher training program certified by Yoga Alliance, the most widely accepted accreditation authority in the field of yoga. Not only can you remain assured of the quality and reliability of the content taught but getting better job opportunities as well.

Is the program within your budget?

Opting for a program that does not stretch your budget is always advisable. Given the intense competition, several revered yoga training schools are offering quality teacher training programs at wallet-friendly prices.

An internationally acclaimed yoga training institute, Avatar Yoga can be an ideal destination if you are serious about pursuing 200 hour hatha yoga teacher training Rishikesh, India. It offers a variety of yoga teacher training programs, each of which is comprehensive, creatively designed, Yoga Alliance Certified, easy on the pocket and taught by yoga scholars. As well, Avatar Yoga supports the lodging and dietary requirements of students holistically.

What You Need to Know About Hatha Yoga

For many, the term Hatha owes its origin to a Sanskrit word meaning persistence. While others perceive it as an amalgamation of two Sanskrit words ‘Ha’ and ‘Tha’ that mean the sun and the moon respectively. Hatha yoga’s etymology may be disputable, but not its significance. It is proven to restore the body to its ideal state, synchronize it with the soul, and deliver spiritual empowerment. Being subtle, uncomplicated, yet highly effective, this form of yoga is all the rage among health freaks, especially beginners. Apparently, the majority of yoga schools are offering lucrative hath yoga courses for starters and seasoned practitioners alike.


Types of Hatha Yoga:

The hatha yoga encompasses the majority of conventional and modern forms of yoga, including Vinyasa, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Viniyoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Yin Yoga, along with Integrative Yoga Therapy and Restorative Yoga. The practitioner of hatha yoga delves into asanas and breathing exercises and sequences collectively known as pranayama before graduating into hatha yoga meditation practices.

Benefits of Hatha Yoga:

That hatha yoga has the approval of Yoga Alliance underlines its significance and potential in dealing with varied health issues. The asanas included in hatha yoga strengthen the muscles and bring in desired flexibility. If practiced regularly, hatha yoga can ensure relief from various painful and life threatening conditions related to stomach, kidney, lungs, and heart. As well, anyone who has completed hatha yoga training can control negative emotions like anger and frustration.

Hatha Yoga Classes:

As of now, virtually all yoga studios are offering Hatha yoga classes to allow individuals achieve their health and spiritual goals. However, the abundance of yoga institutes with low or no credibility makes it vital for you to proceed with caution. Consider enrolling in a yoga school with decent references, qualified faculty, and Yoga Alliance certification. Located in Rishikesh, India, Avatar Yoga fits the bill perfectly. The venerated yoga institute offers a variety of comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective Hatha yoga courses in Rishikesh.

Knowing the Nuances of Pranayama for Effective Results

The term Pranayama stems from a Sanskrit words Prana and Yama. Pervading in every object present in all levels of the Universe, Prana means the ‘life force’ and Yama refers to ‘control’. Apparently, Pranayama is a yogic exercise that allows the practitioner to control and channelize the Prana, and bring about a tangible change in his physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. One among the five elements that make the human body, the air we breathe is the supreme manifestation of Prana. Obviously, Pranayama has much to do with all aspects of breathing – the inhalation, exhalation, and retention of breath.


Types of Pranayama

A long list of breathing exercises constitutes Pranayama. Nadi Shodhana, Shitali Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Kapal Bhati Pranayama, Dirga Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Bahya Pranayama, and Bhramari Pranayama are few of the widely practiced forms of Pranayama. Each of the Pranayamas is convenient to follow and requires the minimum of efforts and time. To achieve perfection and realize greater benefits, you can opt for pranayama classes from a reputable yoga school or an accomplished practitioner.

Benefits of Pranayama

Pranayama’s physical and mental health benefits cannot be underrated. If you are regular with Kapal Bhati Pranayama and Bhramari Pranayama, chances of relief from Asthma and stress related disorders are high. Bhastrika Pranayama is a proven remedy for low energy levels while Nadi Shodhana pranayama develops a better coordination between mind and body. Almost all forms of the Pranayama are instrumental in detoxification of your body.

Find a Reliable Pranayama Institute

To draw home the multiple advantages, going for pranayama training from a credentialed and Yoga Alliance certified yoga school can be an ideal option. Avatar Yoga is one such yoga school with international footing. Drawing upon its extensive experience and passionate yoga instructors, the yoga school offers a variety of comprehensive and cost effective pranayama courses in Rishikesh. Besides Pranayama, Avatar Yoga offers insight into yoga postures, meditation, and Ayurvedic massage, along with the body’s nutritive and preventive health care mechanism.